Living with Purpose

Tips for an Effective, Fulfilling Life

believe in yourself

invest in yourself


to contribute to your own life as well as to others’.


yourself and others to experience your own greatest and the greatness of others.


to maintain an energized body, an alert mind, and a joyful spirit.



kathryn england


  1. home          personal growth          relationships           parenting          work          money          lifestyle          aging          subscribe

To enjoy a richly fulfilling life, we have to believe in ourselves and invest in ourselves.   When we believe in ourselves, we recognize our worthiness.  We know we are worthy of good things and good experiences.  To achieve this, however, we must invest in ourselves and acquire the skills necessary to be effective in our lives.  Through our effectiveness we are able to enjoy positive self-esteem and a sense of well-being.

Seven topics are presented:  personal growth, relationships, parenting, work, money, lifestyle, and aging.  These topics encapsulate the most significant areas of our lives.  Also included is a brief discussion on the importance of love and work, the two criteria most commonly associated with happiness.  In addition, I have added a third, ‘play’, because I think it’s important enough to stand on its own.  I invite you to click on the ‘Play‘ link on any page to find out why.

The three qualities that I have found to be indispensable for an effective, fulfilling life are:  proper perspective, good judgment, and trust. 

Proper perspective means we take an interest in our own lives.  We recognize that if we want to enjoy an interesting life, we have to bring our interest to life.  Proper perspective also helps us to consider all points of view so that we have a comprehensive understanding of the situation and our options.  It requires attentiveness.  Being attentive helps us to learn, not only from our own lives, but from observing the lives of others.  It helps us to recognize patterns and results and refines our understanding.  This puts us in the optimal position to make informed decisions, ones that bring us closer to our goals.  Assuming personal responsibility, we learn as we go and make every effort to do our best at any given point in time.

Good judgment gets us to exercise those best options.  It is not enough to recognize the higher road, we have to actually take it in order to be benefitted by it.  The foundation of good judgment is self-discipline.  We exercise restraint when restraint is called for.  We also put forth the consistent and focused self-effort that is necessary to develop the skill-sets required in order to meet our goals.

The last quality is trust.  Trust keeps us going when the returns for our efforts don’t arrive according to our timing or in the way that we had thought.  Trust helps us to be patient and keeps us attentive to the possibility that things may not only turn out differently than we imagined, but far better than we ever thought possible.  Trust keeps our spirits buoyant so that our attitudes work for us and not against us. 

Love            Work            Play


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