Our lifestyles have a tremendous impact on our well-being and life satisfaction.  Evaluating how we use our time, money, and personal resources including our mental, physical, and emotional energies is important to ensure we maximize their benefits.  Comparing return with cost, and considering how else we might spend those same resources and enjoy a greater return, we can fine tune our approach toward life.  Being attentive to our choices and their results helps us to maintain a lifestyle that supports our values and long-term goals. 

Lifestyle Impacts Well-Being


Living well requires spending our time in beneficial ways.

# 1.    Take care of your mind and spirit, socialize!

While keeping one eye on the horizon of our long-term goals, we use the other eye to navigate our way through daily situations charting as we go the best course to reach our life objectives.  In this way, we can make steady progress, and make everyday count. 

Below, are six activities to consider as you assess your lifestyle, keeping in mind that the ultimate objective is to provide yourself with the most optimal emotional, mental, physical, and financial platform to experience life. 

Love            Work            Play

Living with Purpose


kathryn england

Tips for an Effective, Fulfilling Life


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Living within one’s means doesn’t just make dollar sense, it makes emotional sense.  Becoming a good steward of one’s finances is as important as relationship skills, work skills, and caring for one’s body.  Plan your funds so you can fund your plans.  You are worth it. 

Saving Money - Interview with financial expert, Jeannine Keckeisen

Costs of an unhealthy body include pain, logistical limitations, social isolation, financial hardship, and emotional distress.  To maximize long-term health, it’s important to eat nutritional foods, care for our teeth and eyes, and move our bodies ensuring that we stretch to help maintain full range of motion.  And don’t be lazy with your breathing; remember to exhale the toxins from your lungs. 

Be curious, take an interest, after all, it is your life!

Maintaining a positive outlook is not only a right, it is a responsibility.  Activities that are done for the joy of them help keep us light-spirited and positively engaged in our lives, and can assume many different forms from having a hobby, such as playing a musical instrument or quilting, to going on an outdoor adventure. In fact, playing provides a lot of valuable benefits.  Check them out in Play.

# 2.    Take care of your body.

# 3.    Live within your means.

# 4.    Stay organized.

# 5.    Play.

People who socialize are less lonely & less depressed.

Staying organized is not just neat, it’s peace of mind.  Through orderliness, we experience our ability to manage our lives and the things in them.  

Staying organized saves time, ends self-reproach, and helps to unclutter the mind.  Here’s  how: 

Organization - Touch Things Once (4:13)

Did you know that socializing actually grows our brains?  People who socialize are less lonely and less depressed.

# 6.    Serve others.

One of the best ways to spend time is in service to others.  In fact, if you want to experience your own great self, your own great value, serve others.  It cultivates a loving connection with the world, a sincere appreciation and respect of others, and puts you in touch with your own goodness which increases your self-worth and self-esteem. 

The Value of Volunteering - Rubin (4:19)

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Tips from an Octagenarian - Mr. Alan Weeks