The majority of adults prefer to live life in the context of an intimate relationship.  The high value we place on relationships reflects our desire for emotional and physical intimacy.  To love and be loved, to care and be cared for, and to share life experiences, which for many includes raising a family, these are the joining principles for which two people come together. While two people may share these objectives, communication style, personal maturity, and ongoing shared interests significantly impact the long-term health, viability, and relevancy of a relationship.

Enjoying a Healthy, Intimate Relationship

Romantic love is one of the most sought after experiences of life; and, there are a number of  qualities that contribute to their success.  Top among these is the ability to empathize, to see things from the other person’s point of view, and to regard it as valuable as one’s own interests.

Personal bonding occurs where there is trust, and is contingent upon respect, reliability, empathy, and mutual regard.  In order for the collaborative process of partnership to continue over the course of time, both parties need assurance that the agreed upon goals are being mutually supported and upheld.  In order for the relationship to remain deeply satisfying, individual growth needs to synchronized.    

Intimate relationships are rich environments for learning about oneself.  Their success requires the ability to not only see the other person, but also the ability to honestly and accurately see ourselves.  Consideration, collaboration, support, joy, affection, and self-reflection are qualities that support romantic relationship.

To develop and maintain a loving intimate relationship, we need to be trustworthy and protect the trust with which we’ve been entrusted.  We must also have sustained goodwill toward our partners, and have the ability to regard his or her experience as valid and worthy of proper consideration.  In order for our partners to experience our love, we must take an active interest in what is important to them.  It is not enough to love as we want to be loved.  We need to love in a way that is meaningful to our partners much in the same way that parents take their children to amusement parks.  In order to protect our bonds, we have to possess good communication skills, collaborative spirits, self-discipline to maintain agreed upon goals, and have good conflict resolution skills which means that we remain respectful even in our disagreements.  And in order to maintain a relevant relationship, we must grow together, which requires self-reflection, ongoing dialogue, and shared values, goals, and experiences.

Living with Purpose


kathryn england

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